During the May 2008 meeting of the Chimney Safety Institute of America, a motion was made by Eric Adair and seconded by Jay Walker to accept the CSIA Position on After-Market Parts for Listed Products as modified: The CSIA recommends the use of original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts on any product listed by a nationally-recognized listing agency. Using only OEM parts and replacement parts maintains the original integrity and performance characteristics of the product. If, however, after-market parts are installed, the CSIA recommends the following: • The use of the after-market part does not conflict with policies established by the authority having jurisdiction. • The after-market part is designed and manufactured to perform in the same manner as the original and does not alter the basic design and operation of the system. • The installer explains the installation of the after-market part and the reason for its use to the homeowner. • The installer documents that the homeowner acknowledges and authorizes the installation of the after-market part. Voting in favor: Eric Adair, Randy Brooks, Robert Huta, John Meredith, Steve Pietila, John Pilger, Bo Tasso, Tom Urban and Jay Walker. Motion passes.