Start Your Year Right with a New Mobile App from CSIA! To celebrate the new year, we're launching the BETA version of our new mobile app just for CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps. (In this case, BETA means that we're putting the apps out there with a few needed improvements already in mind. We'll collect feedback and incorporate the changes that make sense before we call it a wrap. Please send feedback directly to me at The mobile app was built to be easily accessed from our website and social media (no need to download from the Apple App Store store) and a multitude of smartphones. The app has the look-and-feel of native apps on iOS (Apple), Android and BlackBerry phones and will work on all of these devices. The apps are integrated with our existing database and website to share data in real-time. For CSIA Certified Chimney Sweeps, this means the ability to view CEUs, inspection SOPs, the Chimney Fires white paper, the CSIA Certified Chimney Sweep locator, CSIA's events calendar, the CSIA contact info and social media links are always handy. And, we'll be adding additional technical resources in the coming months! You must log in to see the password-protected info (using the same info as the regular site). Point your smartphone to to check out the beta version of the new CSIA mobile app. If you're an NCSG member, also check out NCSG's mobile app at has also recently been redesigned to reformat depending on what kind of device you're using. It's called Responsive Web Design and it means that the websites will look good on your smartphone, tablet PC. And remember, please send feedback directly to me at Happy New Year! Melissa Heeke, CAE Director of Communications & Marketing Chimney Safety Institute of America Office: (317) 837-5362 * Fax: (317) 837-5365